The Victoria Point Magpies will be hosting in-house pennant trials on Saturday 15th and Saturday 22nd of June, starting at 1.00pm on both days.
Pennant trials are an integral part of the selection process, with such a large list of nominated players and 6 grades to fill, player participation is encouraged. With such a talented players pool to select from, selections are never easy!
This year the Magpies have been entered in Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. Both Divisions 1 and 2 are looking for a 3peat of flags for their respective grades, with the pennant trial on the 22nd of June being the big matchup between the two teams, as sledging and heckling has been flung quite heavily in both directions….so the BATTLE OF THE MAGPIES is here! The game will start marginally later than other games, hopefully allowing other members to finish, grab a cold beer and watch what should be an exciting finish!
Also a congratulations/commiserations to our elected Selectors for the 2019 season, the selectors are; Sean Baker (Chairman), Mitchell Cameron, Ron Osland, Ray Beale, Col Pollock, Peter Allford and Ian Blackie, with Don Carter sitting in as the Men’s Committee representative.
Good luck to all the Magpies in the coming season and let’s bring some more flags home to the nest! Go the Magpies!